The Moctezuma of Croquet

The Moctezuma of Croquet is a formal title given to the Croquet México National Champion. Tradition is important to us, and even though our organization is  young, we are keen on building on the back of our history. Croquet in Mexico can be traced in a spiritual sense to our civilization's ancient ball games, many of them played with a stick, ball, and hoop. Moctezuma in the original Mexica language means "Revered Speaker." The champion gets an opportunity to walk by himself on the steps of giants, and occupy "Moctezuma's Balcony," a sacred space over the court, where Moctezuma can address the crowd and go on record about the state of affairs. When we inaugurated the lawn at the Croquet México Club in 2022, we opened Moctezuma's Balcony while still in construction and played a fantastic winter tournament. Brian Lozano became the first Moctezuma to occupy the Balcony.  We held The México Open in April 2023 and Brian Lozano repeated his victory and kept occupancy in a slightly more complete Balcony. / +52 (646) 116 6138 / - DOCEPIEDRAS - Calle Emiliano Zapata s/n - Predio Los Alamitos P40, Ejido El Porvenir - San José de la Zorra, 22755 Francisco Zarco (Valle de Guadalupe), Ensenada, Baja California, México.